For Bangkok Chicken Fighter Can With This Type of Feed

Chicken Fighter

Foods that are classified as good for this type of chicken fighters are commonly used in many types of Cockfighting. And also of course you also want to be able to provide the best for the Fighting Chicken of yours is not. That's because of this feed is also the main source of which there is a very can affect the growth there is a quality for this chicken.

For this type of fighter chicken feed, there are quite a lot of types and there are also properties and there are also benefits that are very different, of course. So for as the owner of the chicken, we must also be able to know the importance of very good feed and also good for the growth of this chicken that we have. That, too, in order to become the Reliable Chicken.

When you were there to feed the Bangkok Chicken from our Fighter. And then we also must be obliged to adjust the portion to the age for the chicken. That is also so that the process of growth is smooth and also no obstruction.

This fighting cock that is still there is a young age with the adult fighting cock. And of course there also have portions that are very much different from the existing types of feed. That for Bangkok Chicks there also requires this food intake which contains a lot of high protein.

Feeding Fighting Chickens Should Be Nutritious

That, too, in order to meet a need for its growth period. While from the feed for the Bangkok Chicken that already exists today, there is also a need for food that has a high content of carbohydrates. That, too, in order to be able to maintain fitness and stamina for the chicken.

As a player for Chicken and there is also a hobbyist for Cockfighting. Do you even know the type of feed that is very good and also good for the chicken from your pet ?. Maybe also some of you as experienced botoh.

And also of course there is already to know from the type of feed that is very good to be able to give also to the chicken fighters, but there are also some of you. What remains is just plunging in the world for Cockfighting. And this also certainly is still confused to be able to choose the type of feed is not it ?.

First is Red Rice Feed

Take it easy, friend, if you are confused to find what kind of feed. That is very good and also good for the Bangkok Chicken from your pet fighter.

Then you are already there right to read from this article. And also Here let us consider and also practice some of the recommendations for feed. That's very good and also good for the Bangkok Chicken for your Fighter.

Brown rice is also a type of feed that is highly recommended for feed. Chicken Fighters have grown up. This age is right and also suitable to give it is when he was aged 7 months to 8 months.